I recently became aware of a new bill being introduced in Congress by Georgia Representative Paul Broun (R). The bill is called H.R. 227: Sanctity of Human Life Act.

This bill was introduced on 1/7/2009 “to provide that human life shall be deemed to begin with fertilization.” You can read more about this bill and track it’s progress from the GovTrack website.

My purpose in writing this is to make as many followers of Christ aware that this bill exists. It currently has 51 cosponsors in Congress, though all 51 of them are in the minority party. Therefore, the concern here is that this could very easily get voted down by the majority.

However, as you probably know, we serve a big God. He is a God that can make amazing things happen. As Matthew 19:26 states, “with God all things are possible.” I believe that when the author writes “all things,” what he means is “all things,” including things that may be highly improbable.

Statistically, the odds of this bill ever passing a Democratic-ruled Congress is somewhere between slim and none. But, if we all get together and pray that God’s spirit would move here, He could make things happen regardless of how improbably they may be statistically.

Matthew 17:20 says that if we “have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” This is a time when we need to bolster our faith together and attack this with a great deal of prayer and keep praying diligently.

Thus far, the bill does not seem to have been voted on. According to the GovTrack website, it has not progressed further than merely being introduced. The first hurdle to overcome is to have this bill recognized by the committee in order to move it along to a vote. The congressional vote, then, will be the next gorge to leap across.

Finally, if by our prayers and God’s will, this vote passes Congress, it will still need to be voted on in the Senate and finally signed by the President.

Now, it probably goes without saying that if this bill passed the House and the Senate before 1/20/09, there is no question that President Bush would sign this bill with no hesitation. After 1/20/09, I cannot be quite as certain, though thankfully, President-elect Obama has made statements in the pass that seem to indicate that he is pro-life.

So, to all you prayer warriors out there, let’s all get on our knees and pray that God would show us a miracle by overcoming a liberal Congress and Senate and pass this law so that we could once and for all protect the life of our unborn children.

Grace, love and peace!

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Daniel is an Elite Trainer at (ISSA) International Sports Sciences Association. He has been working in IT since 1995 primarily in Windows environments with TCP/IP networking through 2012, shifted to Red Hat Enterprise Linux in 2012 and AWS in 2017.