
Another Blow To Religious Freedom: Supreme Court Rules Against Christian Legal Group

In yet another blow to our religious freedoms, the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled that a Christian student group must accept gays and non-Christians as members if it wants to be officially recognized by a public university. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, writing for the court’s 5-4 majority, said the “all-comers” policy at the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law is “reasonable” and “viewpoint neutral.”

God of the Gaps

You’ve probably heard the term “God of the Gaps” before. If not, another phrase used for this concept is the “argument from ignorance.” This is basically an anti-theist argument which tries to make theists look like wishful thinkers.

Straw Men

There are so many interesting (and often humorous) ways non-believers attack Christianity. From moral arguments against Christianity (yeah, right!) to the Problem of Evil to the so-called Euthyphro Dilemma and so on.

The Problem of Naturalism

Lately, I’ve thought a bit about the idea of what is known as “naturalism.” There have been a lot of different thoughts about why this philosophy does not have the explanatory scope or power necessary to explain much of the universe. However, I’ve been thinking about a different aspect of naturalism lately. Mostly, I’ve been thinking about how closed-minded and limited this worldview is.

Wearing the Bulls-Eye

One thing that one commonly hears about Christianity is that once a person accepts Christ, they begin to experience a lot more trouble. You might think that I’m going to go into people’s impression that accepting Christ meant that life would be easy, but that’s not where I’m going with this.

“Middle” Knowledge

This week, I thought I’d try getting into some things that are not very well-known. Namely, the concept of “middle” knowledge. You’re probably wondering what the heck that is and it’s my purpose here to do my best to explain the concept.

Pseudo Science

I am always fascinated at how spirited discussions can get when people try to discuss science and theology at the same time. Mainly, the way this happens is that one person is talking about science and the other is talking about theology. When this happens, it’s quite difficult to come to a conclusion together, never mind how frustrating it can be.

Church vs. Christianity – Part IV

For the past few weeks, we’ve been looking at a passage of scripture from John 4. The story is about Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well. Today, I’d like to continue with that story and take a look at what happened after the woman left Jesus and the disciples and went back to her town.

Church vs. Christianity – Part III

Well, we’ve looked at Jesus’ initial interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well and gone over some of the things I noticed that seemed to stand out about this meeting. Now, we’re moving on to the next phase of this event.

Church vs. Christianity – Part II

Last week, I started discussing some of the issues of the Church with respect to how they approach and/or address sin. This is not all Christians in all situations, but it is prevalent enough that it creates a perception of the Church as a whole. It is connected to the whole idea of Christianity and drives people away from Christ.


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