
Giving To God For All the Wrong Reasons

Giving To God For All the Wrong Reasons

I came across a story today on ABC entitled, “Gospel of Wealth’ Facing Scrutiny” which focuses not only on the recent U.S. Senate probe headed by Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa into a select group of televangelists’ financial practices, but what has been coined the “gospel of wealth” as well. Of particular interest to me is the story of a Cindy Fleenor who bought into the gospel of wealth message only to be disappointed.

Romans Chapter 8

Romans Chapter 8

Romans Chapter 8 if probably one of my favorite chapters in the entire Bible. There is so much depth in the thirty-nine verses contained within. It’s where we get scriptures like, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (8:1),” “all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (8:28),” and “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? (8:35).”

The Fallacy of ‘Believing’ in God

The Fallacy of ‘Believing’ in God

How can there be a fallacy when one believes in God? After all, John 3:16 tells us that, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” There is that word, “believe,” but what does it really mean? Is that really all one has to do is to believe that Jesus Christ exists? Is that all God intends for us – to believe that His Son came and died for us and then to continue on our merry way, living our own lives? Even the devils believe in the Son of God and they tremble (James 2:19).

Restoring the Scandal of Christmas?

Restoring the Scandal of Christmas?

Churches around the world are joining an emerging international movement to restore the “scandal” of Christmas by observing the holiday more authentically. The movement called “The Advent Conspiracy” calls on churches and their members to give simpler but more thoughtful gifts that foster relationships. Christians are then encouraged to use the money they would have spent on expensive gifts to help the needy around the world.

Do Christians Really Grasp That They Are Destined For The Throne?

Do Christians Really Grasp That They Are Destined For The Throne?

One of the most impactful books I have ever read is Paul E. Billheimer’s “Destined For The Throne.” This most excellent work reminds us of who we really are – the Bride of Christ Himself, and that we have no higher calling than the call to pray.

Christians Are Re-Inventing Themselves & Not In a Good Way

Christians Are Re-Inventing Themselves & Not In a Good Way

I came across an interesting article at The Christian Post that expounds on a recent study conducted by The Barna Group. The study reveals that while fewer Americans identify themselves with Christianity, those who remain Christian are redefining what “Christian” means. Specifically, younger generations are not bound by traditional parameters of the Christian faith but instead are embracing values that are not necessarily based on biblical foundations.

News Corp. Gets Religion

Mashable reports that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. has purchased Beliefnet, a spirituality-based website founded by Steve Waldman in 1999. No details have been released pertaining to this unconfirmed acquisition, but an announcement is expected from News Corp. sometime...

Job Opening – Parent

Job Opening – Parent

Job Opening – Parent – This is hysterical. If parenting had been presented this way, I don’t believe any of us would have done it!!!!

“The Golden Compass” Movie Has Christians & Atheists Upset – But Why?

“The Golden Compass” Movie Has Christians & Atheists Upset – But Why?

New Line Cinema’s “The Golden Compass” hasn’t even hit theaters yet and it already has some Christians and atheists upset up in arms, reports USA Today. Apparently the movie, based on the first book of British author Philip Pullman’s trilogy, “His Dark Materials,” has many atheist themes throughout.


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