
18 Old Testament Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled

18 Old Testament Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled

I’m not sure exactly how many prophecies Jesus fulfilled during His life, death and resurrection but most theologians place it above 400. The Book of Matthew does the best job correlating Old Testament prophecy with Jesus’ fulfillment of them. Let’s examine what some of those are.

How the Old Testament Isaac Is a Type of Jesus

How the Old Testament Isaac Is a Type of Jesus

Isaac of the Old Testament and Jesus Himself hold many similar characteristics. If you recall, Isaac was the promised son of Abraham that God had given him and his wife Sarah in their old age. From Isaac would be born Jacob and from Jacob, twelve sons who would become the the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel.

Christian Pilots Land Safely Next To Jesus Sign After Running Out of Fuel

Two New Zealand pilots ran out of fuel in the microlight airplane they were flying, so they did the only thing they could do at the time – pray. Immediately after, they were then able to make an emergency landing in a field — coming to rest right next to a sign reading, “Jesus is Lord.” Miracle or simply coincidence?

Christian Worker Bullied For Refusing To Marry Gays

Lillian Ladele, a Christian registrar at Islington Council in north London, was threatened with the loss of her job after refusing to carry out what she considers “sinful” homosexual marriages. The incident occurred after she had asked to be excused from conducting civil partnerships for gay men and women because of her deeply-held religious beliefs.

California 2nd U.S. State To Approve Gay Marriages

From The Christian Post, California’s Supreme Court ruled 4-3 Thursday morning to join Massachusetts as the second state to recognize same-sex “marriage.” In the court’s opinion, Chief Justice Ron George ruled that the ban on same-sex “marriage” was “discriminatory” and that “domestic partnerships are not a good enough substitute for marriage.”

92 Year Old Woman Turns Robbery Into Opportunity To Witness

A 92-year-old woman from Dyersburg, Tennessee recently turned an attempted robbery into an opportunity to minister to the would-be robber. Pauline Jacobi reads her Bible everyday and her strong faith keeps her going in life. It very well may have saved her from harm as well after she almost became the victim of a parking lot robbery.

GodTube Raises $30 Million

GodTube, a faith-based YouTube of sorts, has raised $30 million at a $150 million valuation. The funding comes from GLG Partners, a hedge fund. It is not GodTube’s technology that sets it apart but rather that the service caters to a very specific yet huge audience.

Bad Commercials

We’ve all seen them on TV or during the previews at the movies. Visually, there is a major disconnect between the visual aids and the message or the marketing department must have just experienced major cutbacks, because what was once supposed to be funny is now downright offensive. This is TV. So how bad does a commercial have to be to be a “bad commercial” on the radio?

Dealing With The Reality Of An Immortal Soul In A Mortal World

Our church recently experienced the loss of a dear sister, Cyndee Luque, to cancer. At her funeral ceremony, there were over 500 people in attendance to pay respects to their respective friend, spouse, mother, daughter, co-worker, cousin, sister, and ministry partner. What a beautiful picture of a person who lived their life with conviction and devotion to Christ and how extensive her reach was with the love of God.

Kids Say The Funniest Things

Kids Say The Funniest Things

A friend of mine sent me a handful of statements made by children with regards to the Bible. I hope you enjoy!


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