
10 Commandements For Christian Bloggers

Church leaders from around the world have drawn up a new set of the Ten Commandments aimed at delivering “God bloggers” from the temptations of the blogosphere. Alarmed by the extent to which religious blogs can descend into vitriol, senior evangelical clergy are calling on bloggers to obey the new commandments or risk perdition.

Gospelr: Twitter For Christians

Part chat, part instant messaging, part micro-blogging, new service Gospelr aims to be the “Twitter” for Christians. Gospelr is quick to point out that it’s not “just another Twitter.” Instead, the site prides itself on being the world’s first “Ministry Microblogging” tool for those that want to share thoughts, ideas, words of encouragement, prayer requests, daily scripture readings, and oh so much more

Dead Sea Scrolls To Be Digitized and Placed Online

Dead Sea Scrolls To Be Digitized and Placed Online

Israel Antiquities Authority, the keeper of the Dead Sea scrolls, has announced that they have begun a two-year process to digitally photograph every fragment of the more than 2,000-year-old ancient text and then make them available for all to see online. Although it is pretty basic knowledge that the scrolls exist, they have only been photographed once in the 1950s and actually seen by a handful of scholars.

What Would You Do If You Won $3 Million in a Lottery?

It’s a question we have all pondered one time or another – what would we do if we won a lottery of a million plus dollars? For a New York man, the answer was easy. He turned his winnings – all 3 million dollars, over to his church.

What Worship Is “Not”

Christian worship is not about us… it is about God. It always has been. However, we live in an age where self worship abounds. And although it might not be quite as extreme as depicted in the video below, we’re pretty close. Enjoy!

Our “Strong” 90’s Economy

While reading through some blogs regarding the current election year and the campaigns that will soon get underway after the DNC and RNC, I read something about how strong our economy was in the 90’s. The statement was made, apparently, in an attempt to give credit to the Clinton administration for being in the Whitehouse during such strong economic times as if they had anything to do with it.

California Court Orders Doctors To Treat Gays Despite Religious Convictions

You could say that California is “going to the gays.” First the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing homosexuals to marry each other, making California the second state to approve such an action. Now the same court has now ruled that doctors may not refuse treatment of homosexual patients based on their religious beliefs.

Chinese Officials Confiscate Bibles From American Christians

A group of American Christians is refusing to leave an airport in China after China officials confiscated more than 300 Bibles from their luggage. Pat Klein, the leader of the Christian group, said they will not leave an airport in the southwestern city of Kunming until they get their Bibles back.

Why The ‘I Was Born Gay’ Argument Is So Wrong

Why The ‘I Was Born Gay’ Argument Is So Wrong

One of the core doctrines of pro-gay orthodoxy is that homosexuals are born gay. In other words, God made them that way so “gay must be okay.” Even though science has failed to affirm or deny this, the vast majority of gays and their supporters are convinced of it.


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