Christians Representing ‘Christianity’
It seems that around the world, Christ’s reputation among non-Christians is getting more and more negative. More and more among secular society, Christians are being viewed as narrow-minded, anti-gay, hateful, holier-than-thou, condescending and negative. Is this really a good representation of Christ?
Obama Signs Executive Order Ending Ban on Abortion Funding
Since taking office, President Obama has been busy signing executive orders. One such order that was put through occurred on Friday when he ended the Bush administration’s ban on giving federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option.
Liberal groups welcomed the decision, while abortion rights foes criticized the president.
Sanctity of Human Life Act
I recently became aware of a new bill being introduced in Congress by Georgia Representative Paul Broun (R). The bill is called H.R. 227: Sanctity of Human Life Act. This bill was introduced on 1/7/2009 to provide that human life shall be deemed to begin with fertilization.
New Jersey Church Group Loses Court Case Over Gay ‘Discrimination’
A New Jersey church group that owns beachfront property has lost a court case in which they allegedly discriminated against a lesbian couple by not allowing them to rent the locale for their civil union ceremony.
The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights said its investigation found that the refusal of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association to rent the oceanfront spot to the couple for their same-sex union in March 2007 violated the public accommodation provisions of the state’s Law Against Discrimination.
Jesus – The Supreme Example of Love
Jesus gave us the supreme example of enduring love. Hell was what He suffered when He hung on the cross and took our sins on Himself. Not only did He experience separation from His Father, He also endured God’s full punishment for our sin.
Christmas Looking Cheerful Again in Bethlehem
After eight long and dismal years, this Christmas season looks as though it will be a cheerful one for the birthplace of Jesus. Hotels are booked solid through January, Manger Square is bustling with tourists, and Israeli and Palestinian forces are working to make things go smoothly. This is attracting tourists once again who have stayed away for such a long time now due to Palestinian and Israeli violence in the area.
Using GPS To Protect Baby Jesus in Nativity Scenes
When Baby Jesus disappeared last year from a Nativity scene on the lawn of the Wellington, Fla., community center, village officials didn’t follow a star to locate him. Instead a GPS device mounted inside the life-size ceramic figurine led sheriff’s deputies to a nearby apartment, where it was found face down on the carpet. An 18-year-old woman was arrested in the theft.
Christian Groups Combat Atheist Bus Campaign With Their Own
When the American Humanist Association began running a $40,000 “anti-God” holiday ad campaign on Washington D.C. Metro buses, Christians in the area decided that something had to be done about it.
‘Prop 8: The Musical’ With Jack Black & John C. Reilly
Composer Marc Shaiman and director Adam Shankman, the minds behind “Hairspray,” have recently opened their “Prop 8: The Musical” with an all-star studded cast that includes Jack Black, Neil Patrick Harris and John C. Reilly at Sacramento Community College.
Atheists Sue To Remove God From Kentucky Homeland Security
American Atheists Inc. has filed a lawsuit seeking to remove part of a state anti-terrorism law that requires Kentucky’s Office of Homeland Security to acknowledge it can’t keep the state safe without God’s help. At issue is 2002 law that stresses God’s role in Kentucky’s homeland security alongside the military, police agencies and health departments.