
Reasonable Faith

For so many Christians today, faith is simply a matter of just that….faith. In many cases, this faith is the result of being nurtured in an environment that leaves little other option other than to follow in one’s parents footsteps. One generation believes in and accepts Jesus Christ because their parents raised them in the church and that is all they have ever known.

Theism vs. Atheism

Recently, I had been doing some friendly debating amongst some friends and family on Facebook. The topic of the debate was the idea of objective morality. Throughout the entire debate, I have been pleasantly surprised that proponents of both sides have kept things quite amiable.

Fertilized Eggs Recognized As “Humans” by North Dakota

A measure recently approved by the North Dakota House of representatives provides a fertilized human egg the legal rights of a human being, a step that would essentially ban abortion in the state. Representatives voted 51-41 to approve the measure Tuesday. It now moves to the North Dakota Senate for its review.

Trusting God in the “New” Economy

With our economy in what is being called the worst recession in over 35 years, and perhaps since the Great Depression, it is expected that people are going to start asking questions. One thing on the minds of many people is how their faith relates to this economic downturn.

Economic Recovery

Obviously, one of the biggest things in the news and in Washington, D.C. these days is what the government is going to do about the economy. There has been a great deal of bantering back and fourth between both Democrats and Republicans regarding this issue. Both parties have their own separate, and seemingly divisive, ideas on how to bring about positive change.

Parental Rights at Risk With United Nations Treaty

What would you do as a parent if you could no longer discipline your children the way you see fit? Or decide what type of education you want them to have? Or even decide what type of religion to expose them to?

A new United Nations human rights treaty that could prohibit children from being spanked or homeschooled, ban youngsters from facing the death penalty and forbid parents from deciding their families’ religion is on America’s doorstep.

Archaeologist to Search for Noah’s Ark in Turkey

This summer, Randall Price who is director of Liberty University’s new Center for Judaic Studies is planning an expedition to Mount Ararat where he hopes to unearth the remains of Noah’s Ark.

“There’s a whole trail of history pointing to it [Mt. Ararat],” Price said in a recent interview. “But in our age, people tend to think it is more of a story like Jack and the Bean Stalk.’ Our aim is to show that the Bible is good history.”

Obama’s Least Popular Act as President Thus So Far

The approval ratings are in for the first couple of weeks of President Obama’s presidency. Of the seven actions Obama has taken, five are supported by a large majority of Americans.However, ratings are low for the other two actions, the lowest being for Obama’s decision to allow funding for overseas family planning groups that provide abortions.

Faith Without Works

Making the connection between belief and action should be such a simple thing. In every day life, it plays itself out. You believe the stove is hot, so you avoid touching it. You believe that you’ll get in trouble if you’re late for work, so you get out of bed earlier. So, why is it so hard to do the same thing with Christ?


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