What’s It Take for a Revival?
Recently, I was listening to some teaching by Chuck Smith on the work of the Holy Spirit. The teaching was excellent with lots of great stuff. But I wanted to specifically focus on something he pointed out within the first few moments of the audio.
Consigned to Damnation
I was listening to a podcast the other day of a discussion on the Destiny of the Unevangelized from Reclaiming the Mind Ministries’ “Theology Unplugged” series. This particular podcast was a cross-over with their Conversing with Scholars program and they were talking with Rob Bowman, the new executive director of the Institute for Religious Research.
It’s All Greek (or Latin) to Me
Have you ever wondered about all those fancy Greek and Latin terms that some Christians throw around? Perhaps not. If you’re not one of those people who wonder what the heck people mean when they say things like hypo-static union or orthopraxy then you’ll probably not find much interest in this.
Transitions and Steadfastness – Part IV
As a final entry in our list of scenarios for transitioning (or not) between Christianity and atheism, we’ll take a look at the idea of atheists becoming Christians. This type of thing always brings joy to the church community for many reasons. One, perhaps somewhat “worldly,” reason is that it helps us to validate what we already believe to be true. Somehow, it seldom works the other way around, though.
Transitions and Steadfastness – Part III
Today, we get further into looking at the four different scenarios relating to transitioning or remaining Christian or atheist. Once again, these same four scenarios could easily be argued by other faiths, but Christianity is being treated here.
Transitions and Steadfastness – Part II
Last week, I started a post in which we were going to look at four different scenarios between Christian and atheist. As I am a Christian and this is more in my field of knowledge, other major world religions are not being addressed in these posts, though they certainly can be said to have the same four scenarios.
Transistions and Steadfastness
It seems almost humorous sometimes. Other times, it’s mind-boggling. And still other times, one just isn’t quite sure what to think. For centuries, millenia even, the debate has raged on. Does God exist or not?
Western Christians Abandoning Faith in Record Numbers
“We are on the verge – within 10 years – of a major collapse of evangelical Christianity. This breakdown will follow the deterioration of the mainline Protestant world and it will fundamentally alter the religious and cultural environment in the West.”
This bold statement comes from a recent article at The Christian Science Monitor entitled, “The Coming Evangelical Collapse.” Sound outrageous? I’m not too sure about that.
Easier vs. Better
According to an article posted on 3/9, it looks like our new president has fully backed the embryonic stem cell research program that has been the source of a good deal of controversy for some years now. While I have my own reservations about this type of research from a Christian perspective, there is something else that concerns me, as well.
America The Beautiful?
If you don’t know who Judge Roy Moore is, here is a bit of a history lesson. Roy Moore is an American jurist and Republican politician most recognized for his refusal, as the elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the state courthouse despite contrary orders from a federal judge. On November 13, 2003, Alabama’s Court of the Judiciary unanimously removed Moore from his post as Chief Justice.
So I found it quite interesting when a poem written by Roy Moore was sent to me and thought I’d post it here.