
Let’s Talk About Jesus…Nicely!

I cannot say that my memory is not what it used to be. It’s been bad for as long as I can remember. So, just from last week to this week, I had already forgotten that I was going to write about this topic and I had already written a whole post about something completely different. Fortunately, I caught myself and will post the other article next week.

The Truth Hurts… But It’s Still the Truth

Interesting thing about truth…it’s true whether you want it to be or not. Sometimes we like it. Sometimes it doesn’t matter either way. Other times, however, we don’t particularly like it at all. It’s those times that we have to be very careful.

Might Makes Right… Or Is It Righteousness?

I’m always amazed at the timing of certain things. Based on some comments from one of my recent posts, I thought it curious that I was going to be writing about this today anyway. But now, it’s probably going to really stick in someone’s craw.

It’s Not My Place to Say

Has this ever happened to you? You’re talking with someone and there is mention of a situation where someone is choosing to do something you both agree is morally wrong. Yet, the person says, “Well, I’ve done the same thing, so I can’t really say anything.”

Is It Christian, Or Is It Culture?

More and more, these days, we continue to hear skeptics deride Christianity for many reasons. Some of them are completely absurd and untrue. Sadly, quite a few of the complaints about Christians are true. At least, to the extent that they accurately depict a fairly large majority of professed Christians.

Creation or Evolution?

One of the things that Ken Ham, founder of the Creation Museum, often points out is the different starting points used by creationists vs. evolutionists when studying “observational science.” Of course, the most obvious first question is, “”What the heck does that mean!?”

False Options

In so many conversations I’ve had or heard, there is an interesting and common thing that I hear over and over again. Typically, this is when the “conversation” is more of a debate of some sort. Whether about theology, politics or whatever something strange often happens.

Send Your Tweets To the Almighty?

Want to reach God on Twitter? Not that you really need a Twitter account to talk to the Almighty as He already hears the prayers of the righteous. That be it may, an Israeli university student has taken upon himself to open a Twitter account that will allow fellow tweeters to tweet prayers that he will then place in the crevices of Jerusalem’s Western Wall, a Jewish holy site that faithful believe provides a direct line to the Almighty.

Sifting the Evidence Part 2

Last week, I wrote about how we cannot simply ignore the written eye-witness testimonies regarding Jesus of Nazareth, the miracles He performed, His resurrection from the dead, etc. As in today’s court system, such eye-witness accounts are, and should be, taken very seriously and are often cited as some of the most powerful evidence of any given case.

Sifting the Evidence

Typically, one of the most common things that I’ve heard skeptics say to argue against the existence of God is, “show me the evidence that God exists.” Whether through discussions with them, reading their blogs, listening to their podcasts or reading their books, one thing seems to be quite common. That is, they only want the evidence that hasn’t already been found.


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