
Atheist or Agnostic?

In the past, I had often thought a certain way regarding the difference between someone who claims to be an atheist versus someone claiming to be agnostic. My understanding had been that atheism was a very arrogant claim. My understanding was that to be an atheist, one was claiming that there was certainly no God.

Oral Tradition and the Telephone Game

Today, I heard what was most likely the most laughable argument against the historicity of the gospels that I have ever heard. It was a comparison of the oral tradition which passed down the accounts of Jesus of Nazareth until they were written down against the game of Telephone.

Adding New DNA Information Via Random Mutation

If you’ve been following along, over the past few weeks I’ve been breaking down some of the problems that I have with things like evolution and natural selection. Today, I want to address a concept that has been gaining popularity in order to explain how new genetic information could be generated.

Natural Selection as a Mechanism for Evolution

When people think of Charles Darwin, they think of “the theory of evolution.” As I pointed out already, however, Darwin did not develop the theory of evolution. What his theory was about was the concept of natural selection as a mechanism for evolution.

Evolution Lacks Explanatory Scope/Power

One of the more hotly debated issues of evolution these days is the alleged lack of what are called “transitional forms.” This refers to the idea that, in the fossil record, one would expect to find fossils of creatures who exhibit various stages of form from one species to another. Evolutionists, of course, claim that these transitional forms exist and creationists claim that they do not.

The Supreme Good (the Chief End of Man)

The Supreme Good (the Chief End of Man)

“What is the chief end of man?” It is a question as old as the existence of man himself. Not only is this a very important question we should be asking ourselves (as well as know the answer to) but there is really no way a person can avoid it, although many try.

And how so? If not by brushing it under a rug, people will take on one or more of the various philosophies of life currently present in our culture, all in an attempt to answer this most important question.

Evolution, Natural Selection & Random Mutation

There are some thoughts that I wanted to put down regarding the ideas of what has commonly been called the “Theory of Evolution.” I’m not certain that I’ll get to all of this in one post, so we’ll see how this goes.

Extra-Biblical Texts

For years, centuries actually, debate has gone on about the reliability of the biblical texts. Questions have been raised about whether the events in the gospels actually happened and how much, if any, of the related events are historically accurate.

Life and Death

Last week, I wrote about how the meaning of some of our words can change over time and completely depart from their originally intended definition. Sometimes it is because the words get misused. But sometimes, I think there is just too little understanding of the word itself.

The Nobel Peace Prize Doesn’t Always Go to the Most Deserving

When I heard that President Barak Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, my first thought was , “For what?” Many in the world share the same thought. Then a friend sent me a very interesting write-up on another individual who was in consideration for the prize in 2007 but was passed over for Al Gore. I thought I’d post it here for your consideration.


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