Jan 6, 2010
“What is the chief end of man?” It is a question as old as the existence of man himself. Not only is this a very important question we should be asking ourselves (as well as know the answer to) but there is really no way a person can avoid it, although many try.
And how so? If not by brushing it under a rug, people will take on one or more of the various philosophies of life currently present in our culture, all in an attempt to answer this most important question.
Dec 17, 2009
When I heard that President Barak Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, my first thought was , “For what?” Many in the world share the same thought. Then a friend sent me a very interesting write-up on another individual who was in consideration for the prize in 2007 but was passed over for Al Gore. I thought I’d post it here for your consideration.
Aug 19, 2009
Want to reach God on Twitter? Not that you really need a Twitter account to talk to the Almighty as He already hears the prayers of the righteous. That be it may, an Israeli university student has taken upon himself to open a Twitter account that will allow fellow tweeters to tweet prayers that he will then place in the crevices of Jerusalem’s Western Wall, a Jewish holy site that faithful believe provides a direct line to the Almighty.
Jul 29, 2009
Just prior to Jesus’ crucifixion he told his disciples, “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you” (John 15:19). Now while we Christians should not worry about the fact that the world may hate us, we should make sure it is not for all the wrong reasons.
Jul 14, 2009
I know, the title of this post hints at sarcasm but this is something us Christians have been saying for some time. I’m glad to see that their is now some secular proof to back up the fact that co-habitation prior to marriage does not make for a healthy marriage. In fact, it sets it up for dismal failure.