Jan 21, 2008
Is there really only one way to Heaven? Jesus Christ himself, who was by the way God come in the flesh, stated such a fact when He said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” However, it seems that many people, even people professing to be Christians, don’t believe this according to an article published at The Christian Post
Jan 19, 2008
Matthew 28:18-20, also referred to as “The Great Commission,” is typically used in reference to “making disciples” or “reaching the lost.” While these are good uses for this portion of scripture, it can also relate to the fact that every Christian has a God-given purpose for their life and that every Christian is called to contribute or participate in the building of the body of Christ.
Jan 15, 2008
God has called His people to have a faith that can move the mountains in their lives. Those mountains may involve sickness, finances, raising children or even having a happy and successful marriage. Jesus talked about faith that moves mountains in Matthew 21:18-21.
Jan 9, 2008
It has been said of Christians that we are at times our worst enemy, at least when it comes to promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A new study from Lifeway Research confirms that fact. The study reveals that while most unchurched people are willing to hear what people have to say about Christianity, the majority of them see the church as a place full of hypocrites.
Jan 3, 2008
Scenes from the Bible have been imagined by countless artists over the centuries, but never quite like this. With some photo editing, God’s Eye View by The Glue Society portrays four key Biblical events as if captured by Google Earth.