Chinese Officials Confiscate Bibles From American Christians

A group of American Christians is refusing to leave an airport in China after China officials confiscated more than 300 Bibles from their luggage. Pat Klein, the leader of the Christian group, said they will not leave an airport in the southwestern city of Kunming until they get their Bibles back.

Why The ‘I Was Born Gay’ Argument Is So Wrong

One of the core doctrines of pro-gay orthodoxy is that homosexuals are born gay. In other words, God made them that way so “gay must be okay.” Even though science has failed to affirm or deny this, the vast majority of gays and their supporters are convinced of it.

No Other Book as “Unique” as The Bible

The Holy Bible – God’s Word. There is no other book like it on the face of the Earth, both now or throughout history. It is unique in its continuity, its translations, its circulation, its survival throughout the ages, its teachings and its influence. Here are some interesting facts that prove without a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is unique from all other books ever written.

Why I Believe The Bible Is God’s Word

We had a really interesting discussion at our last Life Group meeting. We were discussing God’s Word – The Holy Bible. One of the questions I posed to the group was, “Do you believe the Bible to be truth and if so why?” In other words, do you believe the Bible is God’s Word and if so, how would you explain to an unbeliever the reasons why you believe the 66 books of the Bible, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament, written by 40 authors, are the inspired words of the one