Misapplication of Truth
It’s not a new thing to point out the flaws of Christians and use that as an argument against the veracity of the Christian faith. Many things have been written on this subject and today I’ve been thinking about something along these lines that I have not yet read anywhere else.
Abortion – A Religious Issue or a Secular Issue?
Ever since Roe v. Wade abortion has been quite a hot topic in the United States. It seems like every presidential election, Supreme Court Justice nomination, congressional election and senatorial election, this is one of the major topics of discussion. Where does each given candidate or nominee stand on the abortion issue?
Truth and Relativity
In the ever-present effort to keep religion out of politics (I actually don’t think this is even possible, but that’s a subject for another time) many Christians are not doing their faith much justice. I’d like to say that I am often surprised at how often people downplay the importance of their faith in their lives, but I can’t.
Open Minded
Have you ever heard someone tell you that you need to be more open minded? The most interesting part about that is that most of those people don’t actually realize what they’re saying.