The Other Side of the Coin
Last week, I brought up a story about going to far about keeping church and state separated. As if on queue, I just ran across another article that brings up the problem in precisely the opposite direction.
Last week, I brought up a story about going to far about keeping church and state separated. As if on queue, I just ran across another article that brings up the problem in precisely the opposite direction.
Once again, the idea of the separation of church and stately is grossly misunderstood, mis-applied and mis-used. In a news article on, Bill Bumpas writes about a problem at a Chicago school talent show. The problem? Two girls wanted to perform a song with Christian lyrics.
If you’ve never heard that before, or something that basically means the same thing, I would guess that you either haven’t been a Christian for very long or are not one now. That is probably one of the most common things I hear with regards to understanding the Christian faith.
For many non-believers out there, if you ever want to get them riled up when they ask you for why you believe God exists, just bring up trees. I’ve heard many non-believers get to the point that I start do wonder if they might pop a blood vessel when someone uses an argument for God because of trees.
Last week, I wrote a post on my blog with my feedback of a debate I heard on Apologetics315 between Matt Slick of CARM and Dan Barker. The debate topic was “Is There Reason to be Good Without God?” I won’t repeat my comments here, but you can read the entire post if you like.