Apr 1, 2009
Today, we get further into looking at the four different scenarios relating to transitioning or remaining Christian or atheist. Once again, these same four scenarios could easily be argued by other faiths, but Christianity is being treated here.
Mar 24, 2009
Last week, I started a post in which we were going to look at four different scenarios between Christian and atheist. As I am a Christian and this is more in my field of knowledge, other major world religions are not being addressed in these posts, though they certainly can be said to have the same four scenarios.
Mar 18, 2009
It seems almost humorous sometimes. Other times, it’s mind-boggling. And still other times, one just isn’t quite sure what to think. For centuries, millenia even, the debate has raged on. Does God exist or not?
Mar 9, 2009
According to an article posted on 3/9, it looks like our new president has fully backed the embryonic stem cell research program that has been the source of a good deal of controversy for some years now. While I have my own reservations about this type of research from a Christian perspective, there is something else that concerns me, as well.
Mar 3, 2009
For so many Christians today, faith is simply a matter of just that….faith. In many cases, this faith is the result of being nurtured in an environment that leaves little other option other than to follow in one’s parents footsteps. One generation believes in and accepts Jesus Christ because their parents raised them in the church and that is all they have ever known.