Jun 9, 2009
When you look back through history, particularly in America, you tend to see a correlation between faith and tragedy. Almost every time there is a major catastrophe, people come running to God. It happened with Katrina. It happened on 9/11/01. It’s a recurring theme that we continue to see. When difficulties arise, we look to God for help, for deliverance, for strength and peace.
Jun 3, 2009
We have finally arrived at the last part of this particular series. We’ve talked about how to love God with all our hearts. We’ve talked bout loving Him with all our soul. Last week, we went over how to love Him with our minds. Today, we get to what is perhaps the most challenging one for me to describe.
May 28, 2009
Man, this holiday week has really thrown me off. Here it is, Thursday, and I’m just finally getting going on writing this next part of what originally was supposed to be a single-shot post. Though, when one takes into consideration my propensity for being verbose, this should not be a surprise.
May 19, 2009
Last week, I began to break down these concepts from Luke 10:27 and I got as far as talking about what it would me (to me, anyway) to love the Lord our God with all your heart. But that was only one of four ways Jesus told us we should love Him. So, let’s continue where we left off and see if we can wrap this up.
May 12, 2009
For about seven months now, I’ve been working on my own blog in addition to writing for the Jesus Site. The title of my blog is “Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength.” This blog is focused on what Christ referred to as “the greatest commandment” in response to a question from the Pharisees. This reference can be found at Luke 10:27.