Aug 18, 2009
Last week, I wrote about how we cannot simply ignore the written eye-witness testimonies regarding Jesus of Nazareth, the miracles He performed, His resurrection from the dead, etc. As in today’s court system, such eye-witness accounts are, and should be, taken very seriously and are often cited as some of the most powerful evidence of any given case.
Aug 11, 2009
Typically, one of the most common things that I’ve heard skeptics say to argue against the existence of God is, “show me the evidence that God exists.” Whether through discussions with them, reading their blogs, listening to their podcasts or reading their books, one thing seems to be quite common. That is, they only want the evidence that hasn’t already been found.
Aug 4, 2009
There is a common occurrence that I have seen among both skeptics and Christians alike. This has to do with some of the things that the Bible says about certain things. Many people seem to read more into some Bible passages than they perhaps should.
Jul 28, 2009
To be completely fair, this is probably more for me than for anyone else. At times, it seems as though I have a tendency to assume that the same mistakes that I’m making are the ones that many Christians out there are making. With that, my hope is that someone who actually is making the same mistakes as me might read this and that it would somehow bless them.
Jul 21, 2009
If someone were to ask the question, “What’s the best way to refute the teachings of the Christian Bible,” I suppose the answer would be…”Simple. Just take everything out of context.” It really is just that easy. The sad truth of the matter is that both skeptics and Christians have been notorious for doing this very thing for centuries.