Jul 7, 2010
It looks as if Texas is not the only place one can find the Bible being taught as part of the public school curriculum. A school district in California has just unanimously passed a vote to include an elective class that teaches the Bible from the standpoint of its being a work of literature and history.
Jun 29, 2010
You’ve probably heard the term “God of the Gaps” before. If not, another phrase used for this concept is the “argument from ignorance.” This is basically an anti-theist argument which tries to make theists look like wishful thinkers.
Jun 22, 2010
There are so many interesting (and often humorous) ways non-believers attack Christianity. From moral arguments against Christianity (yeah, right!) to the Problem of Evil to the so-called Euthyphro Dilemma and so on.
Jun 15, 2010
Lately, I’ve thought a bit about the idea of what is known as “naturalism.” There have been a lot of different thoughts about why this philosophy does not have the explanatory scope or power necessary to explain much of the universe. However, I’ve been thinking about a different aspect of naturalism lately. Mostly, I’ve been thinking about how closed-minded and limited this worldview is.
Jun 8, 2010
One thing that one commonly hears about Christianity is that once a person accepts Christ, they begin to experience a lot more trouble. You might think that I’m going to go into people’s impression that accepting Christ meant that life would be easy, but that’s not where I’m going with this.