Bible Study & Resources
Recent Blog Posts
Origins & Historical Evolution of the Nations Surrounding Israel and Their Current Relationships
With Israel currently at war on several fronts, including the Gaza Strip, South Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen, I thought It would be useful to look at the nations that surround Israel and learn or their origins as well as their current relationships with God’s chosen people.
When God and Government Collide
I heard an excellent message this weekend from Pastor Ray Davis entitled, “When God and Government Collide.” If you are at all concerned with our current government’s continuous attack on our religious values and freedoms and how we as followers of Christ should respond, you will want to hear this important message.
Collection of Clarence Larkin Illustrations Now Live
We are very excited to announce that we have completed a new resource section on this site entitled “Biblical Imagery & Visuals” which includes a collection of Clarence Larkin hand-drawn illustrations, 60 to be exact. These are the first collection of “Christian infographics” ever created that I am aware of.